Are there any expenses to get started on a Special Moments pre-order fundraiser where customers place orders from a brochure and pay in advance?
No. We will supply your group with all the necessary brochures, collection envelopes, and instructions to make your sale easy and profitable!
Does Special Moments charge for the product to be pre-sorted by participant, is there a fee to provide the coordinator with Excel reports that summarize sales/profits, or do you require the coordinator to enter orders online like other fundraising companies?
No. The vast majority of fundraising coordinators are volunteering their time. Our motto includes the phrase “Better Service”. We feel it’s our chief responsibility to make fundraising as easy as possible on the fundraising coordinator!
Will Special Moments provide a participant/parent letter that outlines the reason for the fundraising campaign, your sale dates, any incentives offered, & includes a permission slip if needed (typical for K-6th grade $1 sales)?
Yes. Just ask and we’ll email some samples over and see which format you prefer. If you need any help selecting effective incentives, your rep will be happy to assist you in that process.
How long should we run our fundraising program?
Most brochure programs run for two weeks. This allows sellers to take the brochure to mom and dad’s on consecutive weekend. In the case of $1 & $2 items, we’ve found when possible increase the length of your sale to 2 1/2 to 3 weeks for bigger profits. The reason this works is parents often sell an entire box during a work shift. The extra time gives your parents 2-5 more work shifts, resulting in more profit for your group!
When should we collect money from our customers?
We suggest you collect money as you take orders during a brochure fundraising campaign. Direct sales of $1 and $2 items should always be paid for at the point of sale.
How often and when should we hold fundraising campaigns during the course of a year?
We recommend an organization holds no more than 2 fundraising campaigns during the year. Typically 1 in the Fall and 1 in the Spring for schoolwide or school organization sales. Any more that 2 campaigns will result in parents failing to respond to your call to action. Why? Think of the children’s story about the boy who cried wolf. Instead of hosting many different events our experience has shown that focusing on 1-2 projects annually and getting all hands on deck will result in the most net profit for your organization.
What should I do when the sale ends?
Collect each participant’s brochure(s), balance all money collected to what was ordered, make notes on the order form in the customer info section if you are short so that you can give a copy to the parent and ask whether they would like to pay the shortage amount or let you know the item/s they would like to cancel from the order. Luckily, from our experience, these short order situations happen less than 5% of the time. We find that parents have usually just added up the order incorrectly and quickly write a check for the shortage amount.
After I’ve counted and balanced the order forms to what was ordered how should I submit them to you?
Tear off the order form portion (back page) from the brochures and sort alphabetically by participant’s last name. The quickest method is for you to scan and email the order forms to us at If you don’t have access to a scanner, you can make a copy in case the originals are lost in transit and ship order forms direct to the manufacturer at the address we’ll provide.
What is your policy on late orders?
When late orders are received before the manufacturer’s cutoff date we will gladly include with your original orders and be able to deliver alongside your original orders in the same shipment. If late order are received after the cutoff date you can choose to have them shipped at the organization’s expense or return the money to the customer/s.
How and when do we pay for our product?
Special Moments Fundraising will email you an invoice within a week of your order submission. You will need to mail a certified check made payable to Special Moments Fundraising prior to product shipping.
How long will it be until we get the product we have sold?
Orders ship in 2-4 weeks from the day that we receive your order depending on the manufacturer. Your sales rep will contact you with a first available date of delivery. You can choose that date or a later date that is more convenient for you and/or your organization.
Will I need help to receive our delivery?
Your delivery and product disbursement will go faster if you have 2-4 helpers to meet the truck on the day of delivery. The product will be easier to unload off the pallet/s with the additional manpower. For instance, a 20k sale might have 200 total boxes with an average of 100 total participants. Even though the boxes will be labeled with large numbers from 1-100, it’s still a task to lift and place 200 boxes in numerical order by yourself. I’ve personally staged similar sized orders myself in a 3-4 hour period. However, it’s preferable to have 2-4 helpers so that you can get this same task done in 30 mins or less.
What is your policy regarding damaged items or shortages?
At delivery you will be given a manila envelopes with a hard copy of your reports and an order reconciliation form. Any items will be corrected at our expense one time only. You need to tell your participants or their parents when they pickup their boxes on delivery day that if anything is wrong with their order you need to know by (select a date 5-7 days later). Compile anything missing or damaged on the Order Reconciliation form and submit it to us 10-14 days later.